Sunday, April 22, 2012

Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamins

Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamins. A significant number of vitamins are drugs on the shelves these days are made synthetically through chemical processes, rather than derived directly from plants or other materials, although some manufacturers continue to produce natural vitamins. In fact, the producers of natural vitamins and some of their followers claim to be superior to synthetic vitamins. There is no substance in these claims?
It 'pretty hard to make the distinction between "synthetic" and "natural" vitamins. Some define a natural vitamin concentrate as a nutrient derived from a natural source of quality. The idea is the maximum retention of natural materials, no artificial colors, sweeteners or preservatives should be used.
A natural source contains co-factors that come with the nutrients in nature. For example, some co-factors that are usually found with vitamin C are various bioflavonoids. And 'concentrate from its natural source as carefully as possible. No heat, pressure, or possibly toxic solvents are used. There is no sugar or chemical tablet coatings. The nutrients are made with high quality ingredients first. No artificial chemicals are added. Hard binders and fillers do not prevent the absorption.
Synthetic vitamins are made in the laboratory derivatives of coal tar. No co-factors are present. Most nutritional supplements sold on the market today are synthetic and often cheaper to produce than natural vitamins.
Any additional way to compare the natural and synthetic vitamins is to consider the differences in their molecular structures. It is the molecular structure of natural vitamins altered by the process of synthesis?
Natural health authorities claim that synthetic vitamins are useless and ineffective. Orthodox doctors and even some nutritionists claim that synthetic vitamins have a molecular structure identical to the chemical nature of vitamin and are equally effective. Who is right and who is wrong?
And 'reasonable to expect that the two operate similarly and be bio-available in quantities equal to your body if there is such an alteration. Moreover, the same natural vitamin derived from various natural sources or raw materials will be the same until other substances unique to that particular source are included.
With Vitamin E, for example, the d-form of vitamin E derived from vegetable oils and other natural sources is different from the dl-form (which is often called the synthetic form). The dl-tocopherols are actually a mixture: d-and l-shaped form (usually a mixture 1:1).
The human body uses only the d-form. The L-shape, when present, confers no known health benefit and is normally excreted from the body. So basically, when you consume the dl-form of vitamin E, you get an effective dose of about half the dose of vitamin E on the label.
Vitamin C is found and isolated from the orange is identical to that of vitamin C derived from other plant sources, largely because plants synthesize vitamin C containing the substance in the same way. However, when vitamin C was first isolated and produced in supplement form, we did not know of bioflavonoids. Were discovered later. It was found that in nature, bioflavonoids always accompany vitamin C. In fact, bioflavonoids are essential for better absorption. They increase the bioavailability of 30%. This suggests that it should take the natural form of vitamin C.
The counter-argument would be: As with all foods and nutrients, vitamin C is a chemical. It 'also known as ascorbic acid. You can take a bite of an orange and get the ascorbic acid or ascorbic acid can be produced from corn in a laboratory. The molecules are identical and do exactly the same function in the human body.
Supplements, as the name clearly states, are intended to supplement a varied diet of whole, unprocessed foods. You can get your bioflavonoids from citrus, but that with synthetic vitamins. You may not know exactly how much vitamin C as citrus fruit is found and you need to take a day to get enough of both The best way to get all the vitamins you need is a high quality liquid multivitamin.
Laboratory production of compounds to provide the biochemist with numerous advantages. An example is the consistency of the dose. In nature, an orange may contain 50 mg of vitamin C and another may contain only 10 mg. It depends on where he grew up, when it was collected and under what conditions has been transported and stored. In contrast, dietary supplement companies must ensure that their products offer exactly what is on the label.
Purity is another advantage. Nutrients produced in the laboratory are "USP grade", meaning that come from laboratories licensed production and meet the strict standards of the United States Pharmacopeia. And 'ironic to note that some of the most highly contaminated in the history of health foods have been those who have made the most fanfare of "natural" problem, and do not use USP ingredients.
Also most vitamins and many other nutrients are synthetically or identical to their natural counterparts or easily convert to the natural shape of the human body. In addition, synthetic vitamins and nutrients are more cheaper and purer, with less potential for contamination.
Quality of vitamins and nutrients is extremely difficult to quantify. The list of ingredients and their quantity is the most important aspect when choosing. If this list is roughly equivalent, then price should be your guide, if you are not given any clear reason and objective because it would have to buy the natural form. Vitamin supplements in liquid form are more infectious because fluids absorb 5 times better than pills do. Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamins


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